Finances & Budgets
The town invests a great deal of effort into its budgets not to simply meet mandated requirements, but to thoughtfully communicate how citizen funds are used. Recent adopted budgets address a wealth of information, such as: budget message; town map; budget calendar; demographics; organizational structure; budget policies, procedures, assumptions, and justifications; history of fund balance, assets, and tax rate; revenues; expenditures; capital projects and larger expenses; detailed spreadsheets; fee schedule; and the budget ordinance itself.
Summerfield follows Generally Accepted Accounting Practices (GAAP), North Carolina General Statutes (NCGS), and local ordinances and policies for the management and expenditure of funds. The town has a history of excellent audits and those are available from this page. The current budget and fee schedule follow and then all budgets are grouped together within the "Current & Past Budgets" section.