Capital Improvement Plan (CIP)

The CIP is a working blueprint detailing how Summerfield will develop, sustain, and improve its core assets. It also outlines current and upcoming development priorities and should be congruent with other long-range town plans, such as the Summerfield Comprehensive Plan. A CIP breaks down individual capital projects and expansions, equipment purchases, and initiatives and outlines timelines and potential financing known at the time. It’s a “living document” that should be revisited regularly as priorities and plans shift. The capital budget is the upcoming year’s spending plan, while the supporting capital program involves expenses beyond the current year.

While Summerfield’s limited-services, small-government structure results in fewer capital needs compared to full-service municipalities, the town still invests in facilities, parks, trails, equipment, and studies that should be planned, phased, and maintained over time to make the most of town resources. These are critical in that they’re visible; they affect public trust; they impact financial health; they sometimes drive economic growth; and, they can change communities long term. Development should be a collaborative process and should involve elected leadership, the Finance Committee, staff, and others with project-relevant data and expertise.

The adopted 5-year CIP is updated periodically and the latest plan is linked below. (Pages 10 and 11 are best viewed side-by-side within your pdf reader.)

Adopted 5-year CIP (FY23–24 through FY27–28 CIP adopted 9/12/23)