Summerfield Town Seal & Logo

Town Seal History 

The original town seal was proposed by Shelia Williams and her design used a "Y" graphic symbolic of Bruce's Crossroads (current NC-150 and Summerfield Road intersection). At the time, three directions ran south, west, and north. The design used "honor" (of the community's founders), "faith" (the community's and Reverend Summerfield's), and "community" (the spirit that lead to incorporation, service to neighbors, and the historical love of the area). The year "1769" corresponds with Charles Bruce's arrival to the area and "1812" with the renaming in honor of Reverend John Summerfield and when the community established a post office.

The Bugler Boy, murdered by Tarlington’s troops during the Revolution as the British Army moved towards Summerfield in 1781, is of course central and the words "Friends of Liberty" acknowledges the Patriot group who found refuge here. The circling rope signifies never ending strength and flexibility.

Early Council member Jim Alexander proposed a different town seal to Council in the early years that utilized "a garland of ivy leaves, a bugle, the date 1769, the town name, and a Latin quote lost in a field of dark blue," according to former Mayor Bill Peterson. Council proposed some changes that were never made to this version. The existing, original seal is the current one that became officially recognized by North Carolina. It's believed that Becky Nelson was integral to executing Sheila Williams' design direction and Jim Alexander might have been responsible for some of the original ideas used by Shelia Williams, too.


Town Seal Usage 

The Town seal cannot be used by any individual or organization without the expressed written consent of the Town Manager. The seal is not to be modified in any way, other than sizing it to fit appropriately in context. Any uses of the seal other than what has been specifically requested and approved are strictly prohibited.


Town Logo Development 

The logo was professionally developed in 2013 as the town needed a distinct logo for branding purposes. Many municipalities utilize a seal only, but these are often limiting in that they tend to be too detailed for many uses and require reproduction at a larger size than is often needed.

One logo development goal was to utilize the Bugler Boy as a simplified and more generic icon (it is now a silhouette), especially given that history does not reveal his actual race. Icon placement was packaged with customized lettering in a stacked fashion to avoid a long, "skinny" approach. Another aim was to borrow from the historic color palette inside the 1870s "Brittian Building" that serves as the current town hall. The Pantone 7475 green (in two-color mode) corresponds to the green trim inside, which was originally chosen by local interior designer Betsy North.

The logo works well in multiple iterations and provides a flexible branding base for departmental and event needs. For questions about the logo's usage, please contact Town Manager Scott Whitaker.