Rezoning Open House


The Town of Summerfield has received an application to rezone property within its limits. The request is to rezone +/- 37.2 acres located at 7923 Winfree Rd. from the Highway Business (HB) and Agricultural (AG) to Conditional Zoning—Agricultural (CZ-AG) with the use conditions that limits the uses to “1. Education Facilities: School, elementary, middle, high” and “2. Day Care: Day care center Child, 6 or more” and the development conditions that specify “Development to comply with the scenic corridor overlay standards including, but not limited to, no digital reader board signs” and “Rezoning to become binding after transfer of Deed to Charter Development Company LLC". The property is located in the Town of Summerfield, Bruce Township, Guilford County parcel 146855.


The open house will be held on the Zoom platform. Details of how to connect are below:

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Passcode: 695715

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Passcode: 695715

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